Boiler Room Detective Webinar


During this entertaining and informative one-hour webinar, you will be a famous detective uncovering clues about boiler operation, efficiency, and safety. Industry expert Ray Wohlfarth will help you solve the following mysteries:

  • How to be sure the boiler room is safe Can the boiler breathe?
  • What boiler noises should raise a red flag?
  • How a tissue can help diagnose system problems
  • What’s stored in the boiler room and is it dangerous?
  • What does rust on top of the water heater mean?
  • Why is carbon monoxide dangerous?
  • How does combustion air affect boiler operation?
  • What is the leading cause of boiler accidents?
  • What pressure should we see on the boiler pressure gauge?
  • What does a discolored boiler jacket indicate?

Would you like to learn more from Ray? Check out his seminars and books.


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