Here is the original Installation and Operating Instructions and Parts List for The H.B. Smith Company's Oil Fired Cast Iron Hot Water Boilers (No. OHB-13W). This is esti...
Heating Museum → Old Hot Water Help Topics
Take a stroll through HVAC history in our Heating Museum. This section of our website preserves history and answers that so-important question: What the heck is that thing? Whenever you run across anything unusual, chances are you’ll find the old literature about it right here.
Recent Articles in Heating Museum → Old Hot Water
The Henry Ford Museum in Dearborn, MI has an interesting hot-water heating system. Take a look at the radiators below. They are from the Shaw-Perkins Manufacturing Compan...
This chapter on hot water heating systems and piping was prepared by Professor F.E. Giesecke (Director of Texas Engineering Experiment Station in TX) for the The American...
This August 1984 issue of The Problem Solver Hydronic Heating Handbook by Wallace Eannace Associates, Inc. is about heating system noises. It covers velocity noise, noisy...
A Practical Manual of Steam and Hot-Water Heating was written by Edward Richmond Pierce in 1911. This will give you a glimpse into what heating was like during that time ...
This catalog contains The H.B. Smith Company's complete line of boilers and radiators in 1929.
This is a catalog from the National Radiator Company from 1926 showcasing their boilers and radiators.
Here is a Capitol Boilers and Radiators catalog from the United States Radiator Corporation, printed in 1934. It features the Capitol Red Top Boilers (A Series, B Series,...
The Carton Furnace Company is located in Utica, NY and began making boilers in 1847. This is a catalog of Carton Steam and Hot Water Heaters.
These tests were made during the winters of 1943-44 and 1944-45. The goal was to find a hydronic system that would work well in homes without basements, which were antici...