
Hello, old friend. I’m writing today to say thanks, and to say farewell. This will be my last column.
"A" Dimension= distance water will rise in the drip at the end ofthe steam main, when there IS left-over steam pressure at the drip.
AAV = automatic air vent (UK)
ABS = Acrylonitrile-Butadiene-Styrene pipe - a plastic pipe used for water distribution, drain, waste
ABS = Absolute
ACCA = Air Conditioning Contractors of America
ACTU = Air Conditioning Tune Up
AF = Attic fan
AFF = Above Finished Floor
AFFF = Aqueous Film-Forming Foam
AFUE = annual fuel utilization efficiency, a measure of fuel in to heat outover the course of a typical heating season, including any off-cyclelosses. Roughly equivalent to Miles per Gallon on a car.
AGA = American Gas Association
AHU = Air-Handling Unit
AMU = Air Make Up Unit
ANSI = American National Standards Institute
ASME = American Society of Mechanical Engineers
ASPE = American Society of Plumbing Engineers
ASHRAE = American Society of Heating Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Engineers
ASL - Above Sea Level
ASTM = American Society for Testing of Materials
ATC = Automatic Temperature Control
ATM = Atmosphere
AWH = Automatic Water Heater
AV = air vent (UK)
AWW = American Water Works
"B" Dimension = distance water will rise in the drip at the end of the steammain, when there is NO left-over steam pressure at the drip (pressureblocked by a trap, water seal, orifice or motorized valve)
B4 = Before
BAS = Building Automation System/DDC
BCI = Black Cast Iron
BER = Beyond Economic Repair (UK)
BFF = Below Finished Floor: uses floor elevation for setting sewer inverts
BFP = Backflow Preventor
BHP = Brake Horsepower
BHN = Brinell Hardness Number
BIP = Black Iron Pipe
BMI = Black Malleable Iron
BMS = Building Management System/DDC
B.O.C.A. = Building Officials and Code Administrators
BOE = bottom opposite ends (re radiator connections) (UK)
BP = Boiling Point
BPVC = Boiler & Pressure Vessel Code
Btu = British Thermal Unit
BSI = British Standards Institute (UK)
BSN = Black Short Nipple
BSP = British Standard Pipe Thread (UK)
BSP = Black Steel Pipe
BTFPTM = Beat To Fit - Paint To Match: used by engineers to shift responsibility to contractor.
BV = Ball Valve
BWE = Butt Weld Ends
C or Cel = Celsius
CA = Compressed Air
CAD = Computer-Aided Design
CAD = Combustion-Air Damper
CAE = Computer-Aided Engineering
CAP = Customer Assured Pricing or Flat Rate Price (add price)
CB = Call Back
CC = Credit Card
CCF = 100 Cubic Feet
CSST = Corrugated Stainless Steel Tubing
CEC = California Energy Commission
CGA = Canadian Gas Association
CFactor = The amount of heat, in BTU, conducted through one square foot of a material of a specified thickness, per hour, per degree temperature difference
CFH = Air or gas flow, cubic feet per hour
CFM = Air or gas flow, cubic feet per minute
CFS = Cubic Feet Per Second
CH = Central Heating
CHWR = Chilled water return
CHWS = Chilled water supply
CI = Cast Iron
CIBSE = Chartered Institute of Building Services Engineers (UK equivalent of ASHRAE)
CIPE = Certified in Plumbing Engineering
CITE = Connect to Existing
CNG = Compressed Natural Gas
CO = Carbon monoxide
CO = Cleanout
COB = Circuit Balance Valve
COD = Cash on delivery
CO2 = Carbon dioxide
COP = Coefficient of performance
COV = Cutoff Valve
CPD = Certified in Plumbing Design
CR13 = 13% Chromium Stainless Steel
CRES = Corrosion Resistant Steel
CSA = Canadian Standards Institute
CTS = Copper Tube Size
CUH = Cabinet Unit Heater
Cv = The amount of water in Gallons per minute at 70 degrees F that will cause a 1 psi drop in pressure across a piece of equipment (typically a valve)
CHW = chilled water (UK)
CPVC = Chlorinated Polyvinyl Chloride
CS = commissioning station/set (flow measuring device & double regulating valve) (UK)
CSD-1 = Controls and Safety Devices for Automatically Fired Boilers (ASME)
CTM = Call to Meet (add phone number) Call the customer 30-60 minutes before tech arrival.
CWP = cold working pressure, the maximum allowable pressure under non-shock conditions at ambiant temperature (-20-degrees F to +100-degrees F.Note: This means in plain English that if a valve rated for 600 WOG-CWP is installed on a hot water pipe, it may not live up to the 600-psi rating as it was only tested and approved for cold (ambiant) temperature.
CWDS = cold water down service (from a high-level storage tank) (UK)
CWM = cold water main (UK)
CWS/CWR = Condenser Water Supply and Return for cooling towers
DAR = Department of Air Resources (New York City)
DA = direct acting (control valve)
DA = Deaerator
DCI = Ductile cast iron
DD = Degree Day (relative measurements of outdoor air temperature used as an index for heating energy requirements. Heating degree-days are the number of degrees that the daily average temperature falls below 65° F.)
DDC = Direct Digital Control
Delta-T = Change in temperature across a device or system
∆PC = Delta Pressure Constant
Delta-P = Change in pressure across a device or system
∆PT = Temperature Guided Head Setpoint
∆PV = Delta Pressure Variant
DC = drain cock (UK)
DCW = Domestic Cold water
DHW = Domestic Hot Water
DHWH = Domestic Hot Water Heater
DHWR = Domestic Hot water return
DIN = Deutsche Industrie Norm (German Standard)
DN = Diameter Nominal (Metric)
DNC = Do Not Collect
DOE Heating Capacity or Gross Output = amount of heat delivered to the outlet pipe of the boiler.
DP = Double pole
DPC = Differential pressure control
DRV = double regulating valve (UK)
DWV = Drain, Waste, Vent
DX = Direct expansion
DZR = de-zincification resistant (corrosion resistant brass) (UK)
EAC = Electronic Air Cleaner
ECM = Electronically Commutated Motor
ECO = energy cut
EDB = Entering Drybulb (Temperature)
EDR = heat output, equivalent direct radiation, measured in square feet.Actual output will vary according to what is being circulated through the radiator.
EDT = Entering Drybulb Temperature
EER = Energy Efficiency Ratio; the cooling capacity (in Btu/hour) of the electrically-driven cooling unit divided by its electrical input (in Watts) at the Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Institute’s (ARI)standard peak rating condition of 95F. This is a measurement of equipment cooling "efficiency" at a given operating point, where a larger value is better. In big cooling equipment, the idea gets flipped over and kW/ton is often used with a lower value being better.
EF = Exhaust fan
EFTU = Electric Furnace Tune Up
EMF = Electromotive Force; voltage
EMS = Energy Management System/DDC
EPACT = Energy Policy Act
EPDM = Ethylene Propylene Diene Monomer
ERV = Energy Recovery Ventilator, term generally used in mixed/cooling climates (see HRV)
EVOH = an oxygen-diffusion barrier, used on radiant tubing (ethylene vinyl alcohol)
F or Far = Fahrenheit
FA = Forced Air
FA = From Above (UK)
FB = From Below (UK)
FD = Fire Damper
FD - Floor Drain
FF = Flat Faced
FGR = Flue Gas Recirculation (a method used to reduce NOx Levels exiting a heating appliance)
FIP = Female Iron Pipe
FLA = Full Load Amperage, the current draw of a motor under full load.
FLG = Flanged
FM = Factory Mutual Laboratories
FMD = Flow Measuring Device (UK)
FOB = Free On Board (Shipping term)
FOB = Flat On Bottom, referring to a duct transition
FOG = Fats, Oil and Grease
FOT = Flat On Top, referring to a duct transition
FP = Freezing Point
FPM = Feet per Minute
FPS = Feet per Second
FPT = Female Pipe Thread
F & T = Float and Thermostatic
Ft-Lb = Foot/Pound
FTTG = Fitting
FTR = Fin Tube Radiation
FWA = Forced Warm Air
G = Gas
GAMA = Gas Appliance Manufacturers Assocation
GBTU = Gas Boiler Tune Up
GMMU = Glass Modified Mortar Unit (cement board)
GPH = liquid flow, Gallons per Hour, as used on oil burner nozzles and fuel units
GPM = Gallons Per Minute
GSN = Galvanized Short Nipple (Some say the "S" is for steel)
GSP = Galvanized Steel Pipe
GV = Gravity Vent
HAD = Home All Day
HEX and HX = Heat Exchanger
HF = Hard Faced
HHWR = Heating Hot Water Return
HHWS = Heating Hot water supply
HL = High Level (UK)
HP = Horsepower
HPTU = Heat Pump Tune Up
HRV = Heat Recovery Ventilator, a term generally used in heating climates (see ERV)
HSPF = Heating system (or seasonal) performance factor
HTG = Heating
HTHW = high-temperature hot water (heating above 120-deg C) (UK)
HUD = Department of Housing and Urban Development
Hum = Humidifier
HURL = Heat Recovery Unit
HVAC = Heating, Ventilation & Air Conditioning
HW = Handwheel
HWBB = Hot Water Baseboard
HWH = Hot water heater
HWS/DHWS = hot water service/domestic hot water service (UK)
HX = Heat Exchanger
I.A.P.M.O. = International Association of Plumbing/Mechanical Officianados
IAQ - Indoor Air Quality
IAW = In Accordance With (usually used regarding specifications)
IBBM = Iron Body Bronze Mounted
IBC = International Building Code
I=B=R = Institute of Boiler and Radiation Manufacturers
I.C.B.O. = International Conference of Building Officials
ID = Inside Diameter
IFGC = International Fuel Gas Code – natural gas in IFGC instead of IPC
IMC = International Mechanical Code
In-Lb = Inch/Pound
INPUT = amount of heat produced at the burner. Rating is GPH on oil boilers and MBH on gas units.
INT = Integral
IPC = International Plumbing Code
IPS = Iron Pipe Size
IR Drop = Voltage drop or loss; equal to amperage (I) times resistance (R)
ISO = International Standards Organization
ISRS = Inside Screw Rising Stem
ISNRS = Inside Screw Non-Rising Stem
IV = Isolating Valve (UK)
Kfactor = The ability of a material to conduct heat; expressed in BTUper hour, per square foot, per inch of thickness of the material.
kg = Kilograms
KISS = Keep It Simple, Stupid
kVA - Kilovolt ampere: the unit of electrical flow that is equal to volts multiplied by amperes and divided by 1000
kW - Kilowatt = One thousand watts
kWh = kilo Watt Hours
LAV = lavatory, sink
LH = Lefthand
LL = low level (UK)
LLT = low limit thermostat, often referred to as a "freezestat."
LM = Left Message
LONOX = Low levels of Nitrogen Oxides
LP = Liquified Propane
LPC - Low-pressure control
LPG = Liquified Petroleum Gas (the generic name for commercial propane and commercial butane. There are hydrocarbon products produced by the oiland gas industries. Commercial Propane predominantly consists of hydrocarbons containing three carbon atoms, mainly propane (C3H8)
LRA = Locked rotor amperage
LTHW = low-temperature hot water (heating at less than 100-deg C) (UK)
LWCO = Low-Water Cutoff
MAF = Media Air Filter
MAV = Motor-Activated Valve
MBH = rate of heat input or output, 1,000 BTU per hour. M was used because it is the Roman numeral for 1,000.
ME = Mechanical Engineer
MEA = Material and Equipment Acceptance (Department of Buildings, New York City)
MEG = mono-ethylene glycol (anti-freeze) (UK)
MIP = Male Iron Pipe
mm = milimeter
MMBtu = Energy input or output in 1,000,000 Btu per hour. MM is used because it represents a thousand X 1,000.
Modcon = Modulating Condensing boiler
MPT = Male Pipe Thread
MS = mild steel (UK)
MSS = Manufacturers Standardization Society of the Valve and Fitting Industry
MT = Magnetic-Particle Test
MTHW = medium-temperature hot water (heating at 100-deg C to 120-deg C) (UK)
MUA = Make-up air
MV = motorized valve (UK)
NAC = No Air Conditioning
NACE = National Association of Corrosion Engineers
NAOHSM = National Association of Oil Heat Service Managers
NBIC = National Boiler Inspection Code
NC = National coarse thread (a measure of the number of threads on a fastener, measured in threads per inch. ie; 1/2 x 13, a 1/2" bolt with13 threads per inch)
NC = Normally closed; a switchcontact that is closed until operated or energized. Also applies tovalve or damper actuators as the "failsafe" position.
NEC = National Electric Code NFPA 70
NEFI = New England Fuel Institute
NEMA = National Electrical Manufacturers Association
Net (or IBR)= amount of heat available at the radiators, after deducting the pick-up factor (heat needed to warm the pipes). This is the rating you use to match the boiler's capacity to the heating load.
NF = National fine 1/2 x 20, 1/2 bolt 20 threads per inch, and all the metric equivalents
NFPA = National Fire Protection Association
NF = National fine thread
NFG = National Fuel Gas
NG = Natural Gas
NH = No Heat
NHCI = No-Hub Cast Iron
NHW = No Hot Water
NIC = Not In Contact
NO = Normally open; a switch contact that is open until operated or energized. Also applies to valve or damper actuators as the "fail safe" position.
NOX = Nitrogen Oxide
NORA = National Oil Heat Research Alliance
NPS = National Pipe Thread Straight
NPSH = Net Positive Suction Head
NPT = National Pipe Thread Taper
NRS = Non-Rising Stem
NRV = Non-return Valve (check valve) (UK)
NSF = National Sanitary Foundation
NSPC = National Standard Plumbing Code
NTS = Not to Scale
O2 = Oxygen
OAHU = Air Handling Unit
OBTU = Oil Boiler Tune Up
OD = Outside Diameter
OEM = Original Equipment Manufacturer
OF = Oil-fired
OFB = Oil-fired boiler
OFCIB = Oil-fired cast iron boiler
OFF = Oil-fired furnace
OFTU = Oil Furnace Tune Up
OFWH = Oil-fired water heater
OSA = Or Similar and Approved (UK)
OS&Y = Outside Stem and Yoke
OWG = Oil, Water & Gas
OWH = Oil water heater
Pa = Pascal (SI unit of pressure) (UK)
P.E. = Plain end
P.E. = Professional Engineer: the person that the contractor kneels before and addresses as Your Majesty
PEX = Cross-linked Polyethylene pipe
PE-AL-PE = Polyethylene/Aluminum/Polyethylene pipe (three layers sandwiched together)
PEX-AL-PEX = PEX/Aluminum/PEX pipe (three layers sandwiched together)
PG = pressure gauge (UK)
P&T = Pressure & Temperature (relief valve)
pH = the measure of acid or alkalinity
PI = proportional & integral controller
PID = proportional, integral & derivative controller
PO = Purchase Order
POCK = Point of Connection
PONPC = Point of No Pressure Change
PN = Pressure Nominal (Metric)
PPM = Part Per Million
PRV = Pressure Reducing Valve
PSC = Permanent Split Capacitor
PSI = pressure, pounds per square inch, usually "gauge"
PSIA = pressure, pounds per square inch, absolute (disregarding atmospheric pressure)
PSIG = pressure, pounds per square inch, gauge (where zero on the gauge is atmospheric pressure)
PSIA = Pounds Per Square Inch Absolute
P-T = Pressure-Temperature
PU = Pressurization Unit (UK)
PV = Pneumatic Valve
PVA = Pneumatic Valve Actuator
PVC = Polyvinyl Chloride
PW = pressurized water (UK)
PWM = Pulse Width Modulation
R - thermal resistance; refrigerant; Rankine
R1 = Customer was rescheduled - don't do it again
R2 = Customer was rescheduled 2 times -- really don't reschedule again
RA = Reverse Acting (control valve)
Rad = Radiator
RC = Return Call
RF = Raised Face
RH = Right Hand
RH = Relative Humidity
RPA = Radiant Panel Assoiation
RPM = Revolutions per Minute
RPS = Revolutions per Second
RPZ = Reduced Pressure Zone (backflow prevention devices)
Q = VA (where Q = Flow, V = Velocity, A = Area)
RS = Rising Stem
RT = Radiographic Test
RT = Rooftop Unit
RTU = Roof Top Unit
RTJ = Ring-Type Joint
S = Steam
SA = Start Up
SAE = Society of Automotive Engineers
S.B.O.C.A. = Southern Building Officials Conference Association
SC = Swing Check Valve
SD = smoke detector
Sch. or Sched = Schedule (Pipe Wall Thickness)
SBS = Sick building syndrome
SC = stop-cock (UK)
SCR = silicon controlled rectifier
SCV = Self Contained Valve
SDR = size to dimension ratio, eg. for SDR 35 where size of pipe [S]is 8",[R] = .035 wall thickness [D] would be .28" 8 X .035 = .28
SEER = Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio; the total cooling output (in Btu)provided by the unit during its normal annual usage period for cooling divided by the total energy input (in Watt-hours) during the same period; this measurement of seasonal cooling "efficiency" attempts to account for the variations in part load operation. Notes reader, Mark G. Loan, "The term SEER was used exclusively with air to air heat pumps because their efficiency varied according to the season and whether they were cooling or heating. For straight air-conditioning, the proper term was EER, the same thing but not seasonally adjusted. Some genius,probably a marketing guy, decided that SEER was sexier and easier to say, so when R410A was brought out, they started using the S."
SG = sight glass (UK)
SI System = The Metric system
SOT (hose bibbs) = Shank-On Thread
SOV = Shutoff valve
SPDT = Single-pole, double throw; a switch with one movable contact and two stationary contacts
Sp Gr = Specific Gravity
Sp Ht = Specific Heat
SPST = Single-pole, single throw; a switch with one movable contact and one stationary contact.
SS = Stainless Steel
SSOV = Service Shut-Off Valve
STD = Standard Wall Thickness
STR = Street Fitting
SWCI = Service weight cast iron
SWE = Socket Weld End
SWP = Steam Working Pressure
T = Tee
T and P = Temperature and Pressure
TA = to above (UK)
TAB = Testing, adjusting, balancing
TB = to below (UK)
TBOE = top-and bottom, opposite ends (radiator connections) (UK)
T&C = Threaded & Coupled
TD = Temperature difference (also known as Delta T)
TDS = Total Dissolved Solids
TEV = Thermal expansion valve [aka TXV]
"T" Gauge = Gauge used to set "Z" Dimension on a Beckett oil burner
TBE = Thread Both Ends
Thd = Threaded
THI = Temperature-humidity index; a scale that combines dry bulb and wet bulb temperatures to estimate human comfort
TIR = Total Indicator Reading
TLA = Three-Letter Acronym. From reader, Scott Stroshane, P.E., LEED A.P.,"A number of years ago, when I was first starting out in the HVAC industry I had a crusty old timer comment that my drawing set needed more "TLA's". I asked him what's a "TLA?" His response was that it wasa "three letter acronym."
TLM = The Lovely Marianne (Dan Holohan's wife)
TOE = Thread One End
TON = Cooling power of one ton of ice in one day - roughly equivalent to 12,000 btu.
TPI = Threads per Inch
TRV = Thermostatic Radiator Valve
TS = Temperature Sensor (UK)
TU = Tune Up
TUV = A German acronym. It's short for Technischer ¨¹berwachungs-Verein,Technical Monitoring Association in English). These are German organizations that work to validate the safety of products of all kinds to protect humans and the environment against hazards.
TYP = Typical
TXV = Thermal expansion valve [aka TEV]
U Factor = The symbol representing the heat flow through various combinations of building materials
UB = Union Bonnet
UBC = Uniform Building Code
UEC = Uniform Electrical Code
UFH = Under-floor Heating
UH = Unit Heater
UMC = Uniform Mechanical Code
UL = Underwriters Laboratories, Inc.
UPC = Universal Plumbing Code
UST = Underground Storage Tank
UT = Ultrasonic Test
UV = Ultraviolet
V = Volt
VAV = Variable Air Volume
VFD = Variable-Frequency Drive
VE = Value Engineering – the act of redesigning the project after bid time to the contractor’s advantage.
VIF = Verify in Field
W = Water
War = Warranty call
WC = Water Column
WC = Water Closet (Europe, and Canada, eh?)
WH = Water Heater (gas-fired)
WP = Water Panel
WHR = Watt/Hour
WSP = Working Steam Pressure
WWP = Working Water Pressure
XHCI = Extra heavy cast iron
XS = Extra Strong Wall Thickness
XXS = Double Extra Strong Wall Thickness
Y = Wye Valve, Fitting or Strainer
WOG = Water, Oil, Gas
"Z" Dimension = Setback of nozzle on Beckett burners
ZV = Zone Valve
Hello, old friend. I’m writing today to say thanks, and to say farewell. This will be my last column.
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