Armstrong Donates Historical Pump Photos to Art Gallery

armstrong donates pump photos museum

Armstrong Donates Historical Darling Pump Photos to Montreal Art Gallery

Pumps Displayed Among Other “Works of Art”

Armstrong Fluid Technology recently donated a collection of archival historical photos featuring the Darling Pump Manufacturing Facility to the Darling Foundry Art Center in Montreal, Canada.

The well-known Canadian Art Gallery, a visual art center directed by a non-profit art organization, is located in the former home of the Darling Pump manufacturing facility. The historical photos were part of a special exhibit at the Art Center that also featured new Armstrong Fluid Technology pumps among other works of art from noted artists.

Darling Pumps was purchased by Armstrong Fluid Technology in 1992. The design quality was so good that Darling pumps are still operating in thousands of buildings around the world. “Darling Pumps occupy a very special place in our corporate DNA,” said Charles Armstrong, Armstrong’s Chairman who presented the photos to facility to Caroline Andrieux, the curator and owner of the gallery.


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