Coffee with Caleffi™: Hydronic Fundamentals Revisited

hot rod coffee with caleffi nov15

Students returning to school after a summer break can attest that it's good for the professor to start with a review of the basics. Bob “Hot Rod” Rohr, our training and education manager, returns to the popular series to review, refresh and reinvigorate your understanding of the fundamentals that every hydronic system relies on at the next Coffee with Caleffi™ webinar on Thursday, November 15 at 12 noon CST.

A familiar and favorite speaker to the webinar series, Hot Rod is sure to delight the audience with his expertise and quick wit. He travels from sea to shining sea, sharing his 30+ years' of experience as a plumbing, radiant heat and renewable energy contractor. A regular contributor to PHC News and Mechanical Business, Hot Rod puts his rubber-to-the-road experiences to pen.

The one-hour educational webinars are free and are intended for contractors, designers and wholesalers. A Certificate of Attendance is emailed to attendees following the event for continuing education audits. Please visit our website at for schedule details and registration.


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