Coffee with Caleffi™: Open-line Forum to Discuss Maintaining High Fluid Quality in Modern Hydronic Systems

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In a first-ever Coffee with Caleffi webinar of its kind, our audience can listen in or talk real-time with our experience-rich staff and pose questions in a Q&A forum concerning the role of fluid quality in hydronic system performance on Thursday, Feb. 16 at 12 noon CST. Whether your concern is about the quality of fill water, the detrimental effects of debris and dissolved gasses or the role of various treatments, be sure to mark your calendar for this unique opportunity.

Our seasoned panelists, representing well over 100 years of hydronic and plumbing experience, include staff members Bob Rohr (Training and Education Manager), Jody Samuell (Engineer Education Manager), Kevin Freidt (Direct of Product Management and Technical Support), Mike Schreiner (Director of Engineering), Rex Gillespie (Director of Marketing) and Mark Olson (GM).

The one-hour educational webinars are free and are intended for contractors, designers and wholesalers. Please visit our website at for schedule details and registration.


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