Oatey Co. Women’s Resource Group Hosts STEM Career Education Workshop for Northeast Ohio Girl Scouts

Oatey Girl Scouts

Oatey Co., a leading manufacturer in the plumbing industry since 1916, recently hosted a career education workshop for Northeast Ohio Girl Scouts at its Oatey University training facility in Cleveland, welcoming nearly 30 Girl Scouts to learn about careers in manufacturing and STEM.

The program was organized by Oatey’s Women’s Resource Network, an associate resource group dedicated to the professional, personal and leadership development of women. Oatey developed the event as part of the Girl Scouts’ BADGE BOSS program, which connects local professionals with Girl Scouts to share their expertise, advice and passion, while enabling the Scouts to earn a relevant Girl Scout badge.

“It was a privilege for Oatey to host this group of energetic Girl Scouts and share more with them about the many career paths available in STEM and manufacturing,” said Amber Deighton, Co-Chair of Oatey’s Women’s Resource Network and manager of Oatey University. “Our Women’s Resource Network is passionate about supporting girls and women in our communities, and we are thrilled to establish this partnership with the Girl Scouts.”


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