Uponor Launches New Website

uponor website

Uponor North America has launched a new website, Uponor-USA.com, built with an intelligent and intuitive design that enables U.S. and Canadian visitors to quickly find whatever they need, whenever they need it — all in a single location that will readily accommodate any screen type: desktop, laptop, pad or mobile phone. Consolidating the company’s three previous websites into one, the new site incorporates the following enhancements to help visitors easily access detailed content more efficiently and effectively, even while on the job site:

  • Resource center offers access to manuals, specifications, design software, catalog files in a PDF format, bulletins, computer-aided design (CAD) details, forms, checklists, and other important literature for specifiers, designers, installers and service technicians. Users can leverage the filter-and-sort functionality to pinpoint search results and speedily access exactly what they need.
  • Online catalog delivers detailed product information and descriptions, as well as advanced search, filter and sorting capabilities.
  • Enhanced search by keyword or part number, again using the filter and sort functions to narrow their results.

“Quick and easy access to accurate information is critical in today’s increasingly virtual marketplace,” explains Bill Gray, president of Uponor North America. “By enhancing our website and the ability to seamlessly access comprehensive data from a variety of digital devices, we hope to make the experience of working with Uponor a positive one for our customers, partners and the community at large.”


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