This is a report from the Center for Environmental Design Research regarding Thermal Stratification Performance of Underfloor Air Distribution (UFAD) Systems by T. Webste...
Heating Museum → Green Help Topics
Take a stroll through HVAC history in our Heating Museum. This section of our website preserves history and answers that so-important question: What the heck is that thing? Whenever you run across anything unusual, chances are you’ll find the old literature about it right here.
Recent Articles in Heating Museum → Green
Robert Bean is one of the sharpest guys I know and he has much to say. Check out his website.
This EPA document from March 2006 provides information and resources to homeowners, contractors, or any New England resident interested in environmentally responsible res...
A paper by S. J. Irving & Q.
A paper by Prof. Dr. B. Keller, Chair of Building Physics, Institute of Building Technolgy, ETH-Z (Swiss Federal Institute of Technology), Zurich, Switzerland.
This is from Buildsmart of Vancouver, Canada about introducing Green Buildings & LEED® to contractors. Thanks to Geoff McDonell, P.Eng., LEED AP for sharing it.
This article is by Geoff McDonell, P.Eng., LEED AP. Thanks for sharing!
This paper is from the U.K.'s Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers. Thanks to Geoff McDonell, P.Eng., LEED AP for sharing it with us.
This technology helps prevent groundwater pollution and makes pipe replacement far more affordable for residents and municipalities. Plus, it also saves many yards, sidew...