This document is from the sales department at the Hoffman Specialty Co. in 1926. It showcases Hoffman Valves and Controlled Heat Equipment with cutaway diagrams of how th...
Heating Museum → Old Steam Help Topics
Take a stroll through HVAC history in our Heating Museum. This section of our website preserves history and answers that so-important question: What the heck is that thing? Whenever you run across anything unusual, chances are you’ll find the old literature about it right here.
Recent Articles in Heating Museum → Old Steam
This book, Hoffman Venting Valves for Every Purpose, was from the Hoffman Specialty Co. in 1918. It includes a lot of information about Hoffman valves for heating systems...
Here are comprehensive instructions from 1916 from the C.A. Dunham Company about How to Install The Dunham Vapor Heating System. Thanks to David Cordes for sharing.
Here is a wonderful little book from Hoffman Specialty from 1927 called How To Lock Out Air: The Heat Thief. It includes some great pictures. It makes the case for steam ...
Wait until you see this wonderful invention from 1922! We wish they still made these. This is the patent for M.G.
The Hutchison Vapor Heating System is very simple once you know how it works. There is no trap at the individual radiators. The returns are trapped at the boiler by means...
This book from The Institute of Boiler and Radiator Manufacturers called I=B=R Installation Guide (Number 2): One Pipe Steam Heating Systems was published in March, 1946....
This is an excerpt from The Heating and Ventilating Magazine, published around 1910. It covers The Ideal System of Vapor Heating from the Ideal Heating Equipment Company ...
This document is from the Illinois Engineering Co. and provides information about Illinois Heating Systems, packless radiator valves, thermostatic traps, the standard vac...
The Imico System was a rare vapor heating system. "There is no air valve at the radiators in this system and no trap on the return end of the individual radiator. Vacuum ...