This all-technical, three-hour seminar will make you familiar with the many types of old steam heating systems and what goes wrong with them. Dan Holohan’s easy-to-follow...
Steam Heating → System Pressure Help Topics
This section is your comprehensive guide on steam heating systems with articles about proper steam piping, boilers, pressure, venting, radiators, water quality, and more. We'll also walk you through troubleshooting steam system problems like noisy pipes.
Recent Articles in Steam Heating → System Pressure
If you have a steam boiler you’re also going to have a pressuretrol. I’ve always liked that word because it’s a marriage of the words pressure and control, both of which ...
In this excerpt from his Dead Men’s Steam School seminar, Dan Holohan shares his knowledge about pressuretrols and the optimum pressure for steam heating systems. He talk...
In this excerpt from his Dead Men’s Steam School seminar, Dan Holohan talks about working on steam heating systems that involve high pressure, such as district heating sy...

In 1989, when we started our business The Lovely Marianne asked me what I was going to do to make money for her and our four daughters. I told her I was going to write bo...
A question often asked is how to adjust the steam boiler pressure controls properly. While it seems like a straight forward thing, it is sometimes confusing because there...

"Something is wrong with the boiler control. I have to keep pushing the reset button,” the frantic school custodian said when I answered the phone one cold January mornin...
Some of what I’m about to tell you may be tough to swallow, but it’s all true. If you pay close attention, you’ll understand once and for all why low pressure is good. Le...
You're looking for more pressure than you need. It doesn't take much pressure to heat a building. The Dead Men sized their pipes so that the steam would create a very sli...

It had stood on this corner just off Wall Street in Manhattan for nearly a century. It stood witness to the comings and goings of countless people who never gave much tho...