Hot-Water Heating → Radiant Heating Help Topics

This section is your guide to hot-water heating systems with information about system design and piping, air elimination, pumping away, primary-secondary pumping, valves, radiators, troubleshooting tips, and more.

Recent Articles in Hot-Water Heating → Radiant Heating

hardwood floors and radiant heat
Radiant Heat and Wood Floors

More and more radiant systems going into existing homes as retrofit projects. On many of these jobs the tubing winds up getting attached to the underside of the wood floo...

Published on 06/23/2014 10:25 AM by Dan Holohan
Posted in Hot-Water Heating
royal liver building radiant heat
The First Radiant Heating Jobs

Each morning, when I sit at my desk, I give a moment’s thought to the broken copper pipes that are buried in the concrete slab just below my feet. The guy who lived here ...

Published on 06/23/2014 10:16 AM by Dan Holohan
Posted in Hot-Water Heating
IMG 2210
Types of PEX pipe

You have options when it comes to the tubing you bury or staple up on a radiant job. You may choose to go with a particular supplier and never question the type of tubing...

Published on 06/23/2014 10:03 AM by Dan Holohan
Posted in Hot-Water Heating
Levittown radiant heating system
Levittown Radiant Heating Systems

I grew up in Hicksville, Long Island (don't laugh!) and I spent a good part of Junior and Senior High School sharing a classroom with Billy Joel, and that is my single br...

Published on 06/23/2014 9:46 AM by Dan Holohan
Posted in Hot-Water Heating
The Human Body is a Radiator

This goes back a bunch of years but the horror remains as raw and smelly now as if did then, and I can’t blame the airlines. It was the alphabet’s fault. But before we ge...

Published on 01/13/2014 11:48 AM by Dan Holohan
Posted in Hot-Water Heating