A relay is just a switch. The purpose of any switch is to turn something on and off. A relay turns HVAC equipment on or off.
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An aquastat relay is a combination of three controls. As its name suggests, it's an aquastat, a relay and a transformer. All three components are mounted together in what...
It's no mystery that an aquastat is a control that goes with a boiler. If you don't know much more about it than that, though, you have a lot of company. There seems to b...
In 1992, I wrote a book called, The Lost Art of Steam Heating. I did okay with that one. People still buy it.

A question asked on The Wall: What WiFi Thermostats work best for steam? Hi, guys. Im getting lots of requests for wifi thermostats.

You can place a thermostatic radiator valve, or TRV, on a radiator within a hot-water or steam heating system. A thermostatic radiator valve enables you to control the te...

Someone just asked me this question: If the temperature is 55 and you want it to be 65, will it get to 65 quicker by setting the thermostat to 80 rather than 65? I said n...

Someone on The Wall asks, "What is the best thermostat for a steam system?" Bill Wolfe replies: First, a couple questions. Do you have central AC? Is the house vacant dur...

What's wrong with this picture? See the remote thermostat sitting on top of the hot radiator? The folks in that office wondered why they couldn't seem to get comfortable.
In the world of heating controls, do you know what an anticipator is? Most of us have heard the word. Few of us know what it does or how to set it.