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Take a stroll through HVAC history in our Heating Museum. This section of our website preserves history and answers that so-important question: What the heck is that thing? Whenever you run across anything unusual, chances are you’ll find the old literature about it right here.

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Recent Articles in Heating Museum

Monitor Bi-Loop Hot Water Radiators

Monitor Bi-Loop Hot Water Radiators are partly filled with water which is heated by steam within the radiator, thereby eliminating the large volume of water to be circula...

Published on 03/20/2018 10:35 AM
Posted in Heating Museum
No. 540 Heat Losses From Direct Radiation

This is an excerpt from Transactions of the Society of Heating and Ventilation Engineers from 1920. "It is the purpose of this article to bring together all of the data w...

Published on 12/24/2017 3:26 PM by John R. Allen
Posted in Heating Museum
An Early History of Comfort Heating

Here is a superb account of the early history of comfort heating, written by our friend Bern Nagengast for The Air Conditioning, Heating and Refrigeration NEWS.  

Published on 07/31/2017 3:54 PM by Bern Nagengast
Posted in Heating Museum
SelecTemp Modulating Zone Heating

Turbonics offered this unusual steam system, which Iron Fireman had come up with years before. It was called SelecTemp and offered self-modulating zone heating. Thanks to...

Published on 07/05/2016 9:08 AM
Posted in Heating Museum